Kathleen Teager
Guidance Technician
Guidance Technician
(949) 234-5323
Call or email to schedule
an appointment.
an appointment.
Guidance Corner
Current Cal Prep students/parents:
Contact Mrs. Kathleen Teager (kateager@capousd.org), if you are a Cal Prep student and need:
- To discuss or change your class schedule
- A referral to Credit Recovery
- A referral to summer school
- How to use your Buzz parent observer account
- To leave Cal Prep and want to transfer back full time to your resident high school
- Information on taking a Saddleback college class and/or have a K-12 permission form signed
- A work permit
- Information about Saddleback Community College; 4-year universities, or the college application process
- Graduation information, cap and gown information
- An explanation of academic awards such as Valedictorian, Seal of Biliteracy, etc.
- A 4-year plan to map out your classes for high school
- To discuss credits and progress towards graduation
- An explanation on how to read your transcript and the different GPAs
- To discuss remediating low (D/F) grades and how/why to do so
Prospective Cal Prep students or parents:
Contact Mrs. Kathleen Teager (kateager@capousd.org) for information on:
- Enrollment for the upcoming semester
- Information about Cal Prep and how it works
- Dual enrollment with your resident high school and how that works
- Taking a single course with Cal Prep